
Friar Lawrence Responsible For Romeo And Juliet's Death

Decent Essays

I think Friar Lawrence is the main person responsible for Juliet’s and Romeo’s deaths. One reason is that he gave Juliet poison to protect her and help her not to marry Paris. These lines back up my statement. “If...thou hast the strength of will to slay thyself...take thou this warmth,no breath shall testify the livest”. Another reason I think that Friar Lawrence is responsible for the two deaths that occur is that he didn’t deliver the letter to Romeo himself, he sent one of the other friars to do it. If he would have done it himself, he could of told Romeo what he did with the sleeping potion and that she isn’t really dead. These are the lines that back up this statement. “That sounds like the voice of Friar John. Welcome from …show more content…

This could have been diverted if Friar Lawrence stayed and explained to Romeo or watch Juliet while she mourned and explain the coincidence to her and help her through the mourning process. Some could argue that it was not Friar Lawrence’s fault about the deaths but they are wrong nor right because it is an opinion. They could argue that he could not do anything about the process of their deaths but he was the main person that was there all the time in the story. They could also argue that he should not have been held responsible for giving Juliet poison that was actually a sleeping potion that Romeo did not know about so he killed himself and then she awoke to find him dead so she killed herself and let us not forget that Friar Lawrence left her in the room alone so she could “ settle things out” or whatever his excuse was so now they are both dead and it is his fault even though the Prince Escalus took all the blame from him because he is a saint which is a lie because he gave poison to a child that lead to teenagers deaths and even worse was he got away with it. If it were me back in that time I would not have left him with

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