
Friar Lawrence Responsible For The Deaths Of Romeo And Juliet

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The famous story of Romeo and Juliet is written by the even more famous author, William Shakespear. While there are many faults and people to blame in this tragic tale, Friar Lawrence is a prominent character linked to the deaths of Romeo and Juliet. A constant theme that Friar Lawrence seems to follow is that lies often lead to the hurts and destruction of relationships. Friar Lawrences first fault is wedding Romeo and Juliet in secret. Although his intentions were good,”To tur your households rancor to pure love”(Act 2, Scene 3), the wedding is done in secret. Since Juliet is already wed to Romeo, she cannot marry Paris and this causes conflict between Juliet and her father. This lie is the first and most important one that leads to the deaths of Romeo and Juliet. …show more content…

Even though like the marriage, the Friars intentions were good,”will watching thy waking, and that very night shall Romeo bear thee hence to Mantua”(Act 4, Scene 2), he doomed the couple. Not only did Romeo and Juliet die, but it was completely Friar Lawrence’s fault. All in all, the lies and secrets that Friar Lawrence made, caused Romeo and Juliets deaths. The first secret of their marriage started the events leading up to their deaths. Then after that, Friar Lawrence tried to fool the families and sneak Juliet away. Since thar happened and was not correctly communticated to Romeo, They both commited suicide. Without a doubt, Friar Lawrence was to blame for the tragedy of Romeo and Juliets

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