
From Farm Fresh to Petri Prepared

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From Farm Fresh to Petri Prepared
The meat of the future will be man-made A scientist has been hard a work for a month. He has been stooping over petri cultures, adding substances to them, making observations and ensuring everything is on track. He is due to finish his synthesis in another month. No, he is not a mad scientist bioengineering the next viral outbreak; he is growing a sirloin steak that will be on someone’s dinner table in a few more weeks. The scientist in that illustration is making something called in vitro meat, or meat from grown from cultures of animal stem cells. Though the idea sounds straight from science fiction, multiple breakthroughs have already been made with man-made meat, including the world’s first synthetic all beef burger. It is right on time too, because research projects that by 2050, there will need to be a 235% increase in the production for meat (FAO, 2009). In order to supply that amount of meat, current livestock numbers would have to more than double. In vitro meat will be an accessible and affordable substitute to meat from livestock. It will be tastier and healthier for consumers and will be more sustainable and environmentally friendly. In vitro meat is the meat of the future.
Accessibility and Affordability In the near future, frankenfurters and petri pork will be easily accessible to consumers at a competitive to, and eventually lower than, meat from livestock. By 2050, the increase in the demand for meat will skyrocket. If we

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