
From That Day On School Was Closed, And Without School Life Is Like Ashes Analysis

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Section 1: Use evidence from the text to explain the following quotes and their meaning 1. “From that day on, school was closed, and without school, life is like ashes” pg 25 - This quote demonstrates that Taliban closed the school so quickly with the only reason saying that this school is against the God and killing the teacher. The place to learn knowledge disappeared like how ashes do, 2. “Everyone (including me) is interested in staying alive, and in order to stay alive we’re willing to do things we don’t like” pg 52 - This quote shows the way of living in the community. No one can live without doing something the person hates. Children got abused and forced to work, people got forced to buy somethings. 3. “You should be kind to everyone and shouldn’t have to check their identity card or religious affiliation” pg 52 - This quote mentions how we should be nice to older people, same age and lower age without underestimating others even though they have other religion, poor and rich. It means that we have to treat everyone same without discriminating or only doing well to one people. 4. “When you don’t have a family, your friends mean everything to you” pg 87 - This quote illustrates how important friends are because if someone do not have a family, it means that the person does not have anybody to rely on others. The major job of a true friend is listening when others are depressed, this quote perfectly says it about and can be seen how for the friends gives hope

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