
From The Antique And Christina Rossetti's Not Your Way

Decent Essays

For most of history anonymous was a woman but its now 2015 and men and women are equal, right? So how can protest poetry about women’s rights be relevant? Well considering women are being exploited every day in the media and transfixed to fit unattainable standards while still being paid less. The song Not Your Way by Misterwives explores this exploitation of women and and how modern women may not be fighting to have power over men but power over themselves. Similar to the poem From The Antique written by Christina Rossetti has explored the same theme back in the 1800’s.

Women were once confined mainly to the role of homemakers, and were expected to take care of the family. With time, women have also taken up responsibilities outside home, …show more content…

Rossetti was protesting through these lines to give women more of a voice and to make men see them as equals. The sombre, morbid tone adds to the implication that a woman’s life was inferior to men and that they are treated like objects and their opinions are invalid. From the antique, though it maybe be an antique of a poem, the authors protest still remains relevant as many of the rights women were fighting for back then they are still fighting for now, though it may be to a lesser …show more content…

The narrow set of representation of women and objectification of women in modern mass media is an inequality the band Misterwives strongly protests against in the song Not Your Way. This is shown through the metaphor “Fill us up with plastic and cut us up and tie a bow” portrays the pressures society places on women to look a certain way and how it can drive them to physically modify themselves to try and obtain the ideal of beauty. Their only job is to stand there and look pretty. They are standing up and being their own people not controlled by society or following its

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