In a galaxy far, far away, there’s an alien wizard named Fuldrik, whom was banned from his home colony because he found a way to ‘improve’ his alien race with a dark spell called brackish. The brackish spell could give you the strength of ten men but would turn your skin bumpy and green. Your hands and feet would grow scaly and your nails would grow really long with sharp fingers. This spell would also make your body smell like a bowl of chopped garlic. Fuldriks previous race despised his idea and banished from his home colony for he would never return until he learned to love. Fuldrik found another alien race called the Boovians that are short, chubby and harmless creatures for he was in search of a temporary home.
A Boovian named Spud, worked
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He quickly shoves the pickle jar back into the suitcase and notices a paper taped to it saying DO NOT OPEN! Spud could hear him singing a tune, “I got the flower, I got the flower, hee-hee-hee! Ha-ha-ha!” Spud rushes to retuen the suitcase and looks around. He notices the flame under the cauldron is about to go out and says, “Master would not be pleased!” He quickly wobbles to the cauldron and adds more wood. Fuldrik opens the door and ask, “Spud! I got it! My things better be ready!” Spud wobbles to his master and hands him his spell book. Spud asked his wizard, “Master? What does this spell do? “Fuldrik replies, “This spell will give you the strength of ten men! But it would make you hideous! We’re going to use it on the Boovian race and I’ll finally get my revenge on those blasted aliens!” Spuds face filled with terror. “But why master? What did my people do to you?” Fuldrik shrugs and says, “Nothing.” Spud got angry and wobbled …show more content…
Fuldrik the alien wizard notices Spud leaving the room and says, “Spud! Where are you going?! Someone has to witness this!” Spud doesn’t listen and continues to walk away. Fuldrik waves the wand in the air and says gibberish nonsense towards his cauldron. He could hear the storm rolling in with lightning strikes surrounding him. Spud walks back into the room with a magic pickle and says louder than ever spoken, “I WISH THE WIZARD NAMED FULDRIK LOVED ALL CREATURES AND NEVER MADE THE SPELL BRACKISH!” Swoosh! A flash of white light radiated for
The tryouts for the newly reconstituted Under Fifteen Fugees were under way Luma gathered the newcomers and took row, she set up a scrimmage to assess the newcomers skilled and took notes to near their names to decide a posit of the players. After scrimmaging was over Luma had a talk with the boys about how she felt that if the team played against their opponents, they would most likely lose, Luma told them they were going against teams that played for five years team with experience, however the boy didn’t care they knew they could win and wouldn’t give up. With the new Under Fifteen team reconstituted and the season back on, the boys were only seven days away from their first game. In hopes of preparing the Under Fifteen Fugees Luma set a scrimmage between the Under Fifteens and the Under Seventeens. Fornatee a veteran of the Under Fifteens decided not to show up for the tryouts and two of the team’s practices, he felt as if he had a
Nestled in a huge dip of land, in Boone, Iowa, is a tiny girl’s camp with cabins tucked into the trees called Bear Creek. Owned by the LDS church, this little piece of wilderness becomes my home away from home, five days during the summer. This collection of stories comes from the summer of 2015, and is a collage of my fondest memories from that week.
“Ah!” Charlie shouted in surprise as his mouth opened like a snake. “That was never there before.” Then Charlie thought to himself, I guess I might as well take a look. He stepped in and yelped again because right there In front of him were little pink fluffy monsters. His surprised feeling turned to a curious feeling as he thought about taking one home to study it. Then one started to talk, “Help us please!” It
“Farrah, what is going on the wagon?” Luca said as he was looking at his older sister. They were coming back from the field picking some of the wild flowers that were growing in the area. They were on their way to the North to the village Boug Fruborne. They would be able to find some work for themselves, with hope that they would be able to make it through the winter. It was something that they were use to they were travelers, roaming through the country side picking up work were it was possible. Farrah and her Mother and sister Celina made tincture and sold herbs of variety since they picked some many of them as they traveled the lands. But at the moment it seemed their parents were having their usually argument. Celina was off to the side playing her violin trying to drown out the yelling.
In the fall, Grandma Lynn calls Jack and says she's moving in. That December, Mr. Harvey has been gone over a year, and nobody has been able to find him. Susie feels sorry for Len Fenerman because he didn't solve the crime in time or get the lady. (Apparently, when Abigail left for California, she cut all ties to Len.) Len feels extremely guilty for not solving Susie's case.
It was an average day for Mr. Sprinkle; warm, sunny, but also with a slight breeze coming in from the west. Inside his house, coffee started to pout in the kitchen while his wife started to prepare breakfast for the children. Sprinkle got up from his sleep, still sore from the previous day’s workout at the gym, and proceeded to head to the closet to get dressed. After putting on his collared dress shirt, he went to the bathroom to brush his teeth. Along the way, he stumbled upon a couple of the kid’s toys left on the floor from last night. One of which was an unsolved Rubik’s Cube. Midway through brushing his teeth, he heard that the kids are already up and eating their breakfast in the dining room. Once the kids were done with their food, they, alongside with Mr. Sprinkle and his wife, rushed around the house preparing to head out in a couple of minutes. After everyone was ready, they headed to the car that was in the garage. Everyone jumped in and buckled up their seat belts in near unison which gave Mr. Sprinkle a slight chuckle.
Shad Aelfe and I went back, pre-Corps, pre-tech, back to picking scrap to survive when the power grid failed. He was a little guy, five foot two without the attitude to go with it. He would tell you he was obsolete with a broken tooth grin and a twinkle in his eye. Wet eyes twinkle, like fresh protein in the moonlight, and Shad made sure you knew he was wet, or fresh if he was in the mood. We shared some hard times together and I didn’t begrudge him the wetware upgrades, I wondered who he killed for the money, but I didn’t begrudge him. He might have been obsolete but his willingness to be modified and reconstructed gave him a depth of being that made him priceless as a counselor. He could speak with authority about the dangers of fads. And
Buzz!, Kugelmass started to zap suddenly as the verb tener was humming and a rumbling vibration invaded each page of the book. !puff! A fireball reached tener’s head and it was crackling until it stopped humming and a pile of ash was its only remains. Boom! Everything exploded and Kugelmass repeated a few times: !Damn it! !Damn it!. It was completely quiet and just a hissing sound from Kugelmass breathing was barely heard. He passed out.
Fezzik Fezzik is a brave, calm and courageous man, his distinctive personality stands out from all the other characters by showing us how he acts such as acting strong to save the princess using his strength,height and stockiness. His body is is enormous for his height, weight and strength. The other characters see him as a cute lovable giant that they can take advantage of because of his lack of knowledge to understand anything. In the movie Fezzik is a calm giant examples of this include: Scaring 30 odd guards away from the castle and also when he was getting chased by a person on a really long rope whilst pulling another three people on his back at the same time.
Once upon a time there was a hero named Dustin Pellerin and his job was to make people happy and unangry all the time. Everybody thanked him for it except one person. Captain Buttface and he made all the people angry and mad and sad, but Dustin would always make it alright. Now one day it was the perfect summer day and all the kids were having fun, but Captain Buttface was not having it. But Dustin pellerin was having fun and saw some kids crying and punching things this made Dustin very sad because he didn’t like any kids sad because he was a kid once. So he ask them what was wrong and they said captain Buttface made them upset. Dustin said “i'm sorry ill buy you an ice cream cone how about that”? The kids said “yes please” and Dustin said
Slipping smoothly through the water came naturally to Duncan as natural as taking his next breath. He detected Adaira arms started to lose their grip around his neck; he realized the over seven kilometer's through the water had been harder than she would admit. She turned out to be a trooper, not one to complain. He would’ve never guessed her mettle from judging their first encounter at the nightclub in Hollywood, all dolled-up ready to hit the club scene. This was a woman full of surprises. Definitely, a female a male would need to keep his attention focused on, to stay at the top of his game.
It had been pretty much the worst day I've ever lived through-if you want to call it "lived." I've such the tale to tell. In case you aren't familiar with my circumstances, I'll elaborate on the situation. Don't worry, it won't take that long. It's a pretty far cry from your average McDonald's employee's shift, believe me. So here it goes; this is the story of me, Lenny Finklestein, and the weirdest day I've had... so far.
The room is quiet, but outside the room is very loud and obnoxious. The place is dark with little light from the cracks from the blinds and the dimmed lights. The intercom goes on and says, “Quiet time is from 3p.m.- 4p.m. We are dimming the lights. Please be quiet during this time.” I’m sitting in the ICU with my great grandma, Ovena Lummel. The noises I hear is the breathing tube inside her mouth. It is pushing air into her lungs. She is sound asleep from the medication the doctors gave her. Nurses come in and out of the room to make sure everything is going well. Little did I know that they took her off her seizure medicine. I’ve been inside room 186 for only ten minutes. I look up and see her body shaking like crazy. Then, her body stops,
But, Master Levi, the Brischst is the heaviest lance we have!" Armin exclaimed as he lifted one of the wooden planks that made their makeshift training arena. His statement was only emphasized by Jean's poorly hidden grunts of efforts. The taller squire wheezed while he carried the massive and blunt weapon toward Eren. "Eren's too tired, he would never be able to—"
Soon after a car pulled up to the scene with three guys who stepped out. Taking a minute to stare at the family down into the ditch, they began communicating. The children were in shock from being involved in this bizarre accident, only able to shout at the guys that they have just been in an accident. The grandmother still in a frenzy gathering her thoughts together blurted out ‘We rolled over twice’ but then the older guy corrected her saying he saw the accident (possibly from afar) and saw the car roll over ‘once’ he said. The unfortunate part of this predicament came as the grandmother studied the man a bit more. she seemed to recognize him so she begun to stare more intensely at his face as he spoke. She soon noticed that he was ‘The Misfit’ who had escaped from prison.