
Fuller House : A Positive Role Model

Decent Essays

One could define a positive role model as a responsible person who puts others needs before their own while never altering their beliefs or values. A positive role model could also be defined as someone who battles through hardships in their life while keeping an optimistic attitude. Someone who is compassionate and caring towards an individual while boosting self-esteem, or an individual who is available as a confidant. According to “a study from the University of California at Los Angeles School of Public Health, youths who named role models they knew personally had better grades and higher levels of self-esteem.” (New York Times, 2002) DJ Tanner-Fuller from Netflix’s “Fuller House” is a positive role model for a mid-twenties to early …show more content…

Stephanie gives up her music career of a well-known traveling DJ to support her sister through these changes. Moreover, Kimmy struggles with her split from her husband while adapting to the new living arrangements. Nevertheless, DJ is so grateful for sister and best friend’s actions, she doesn’t know how she will ever repay them. Ordinarily, DJ is a perfectionist and places more pressure on herself than anyone else ever would. She strives to be the perfect mother while obtaining a career driven attitude. Her health is important to her and she will sometimes push her perfectionism on to others trying to make them something they are not. When her veterinarian colleague decides that he is retiring, DJ is hopeful that he will turn the business over to her. While attempting to keep her hopes at bay, she encounters the possibility of her colleague’s son taking over the business. Consequently, this becomes a struggle of what she values in herself and what is needed of her to support her family. She has put an abundance of time into the veterinarian clinic that she has worked for and feels she deserves the business; when the choice is made to give the business to his son, DJ decides that it is time for her to move on from that path and create her own business. Moreover, this presents woman of a young age that what they value is far more important than settling for something that is only a stepping stone in their life. It is believed that more often

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