
Functionalism Vs Conflict Theory Essay

Decent Essays

In sociology, the Functionalism and Conflict theory both explain the way society functions as a whole. While interactionists perspective explains why society functions the way it does as well, it is more of the explanation of why individuals function and interact the way they do in society, and how one can be influenced and what influences one another.

Functionalist see society like the human body. In the same way that the body relies on the lungs to. Death and distribute oxygen throughout the body and brain, functionalist also see society similarly as being constructed of different interdependent components such as education, religion, and family. Just as the human body would stop functioning if the lungs stopped breathing or the heart stopped pumping blood throughout the body, society would also fail if education, family, or even religion was no longer functioning. This shows that everything in the society in which we take place in, plays a specific and important role in the world and social construct in which we live in which can be explained as functionalism. …show more content…

This theory has been used to explain many social phenomenas such as ward, revolutions, discrimination, poverty, wealth and much more. Karl Marx’s conflict theory was based on two classes. The ruling class which was also called the “bourgeoise” and the working class also knows as the “proletariats”. His theory was that the proletariat class would be highly oppressed by the bourgeois ruling class. Karl Marx predicted that if the living conditions for the proletariats became worse, they would eventually begin to revolt against the bourgeois. If the bourgeois then addressed the issue of the proletariats then the conflict would repeat itself like s circle and that is how he came up with the Conflict

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