I started my journey working for an adult behavioral program at our local hospital. I worked there for 5 years with amazing people. I now work for a substance abuse facility as support staff that treats not only the substance abuse but the mental health of the clients as well. I have seen the love and caring that the counselors have for their clients. They have helped me understand the problems that the clients are going through. I have become aware of the link between addiction and mental health. These amazing ladies have inspired me to want to help and hopefully bring my faith in GOD as basis for my career in counseling. I feel led in this direction, GOD has put me in this position to witness and help people through his love and mercy. I have traveled many roads …show more content…
Because of their dedication and caring for the people coming into this facility it has made such a difference in the client’s positive road to recovery. I have seen many transformations in some of the client’s and have seen some fail because they are not ready to make the commitment to change. It breaks my heart to see this happen. I know all I can do is pray for them. I do believe that all things are possible through Jesus Christ. I have been asked to pray for family members from some of the girls which I am more than happy to do. I hope that I am a positive example of GOD’s love through the action of my life. I have had many trials in my life and GOD has always seen me through them no matter how difficult they were. The clients and other employees are often curious how come I take bad things with a smile and keep going. My husband and I often talk about how thankful we are to have GOD in our lives we see how people without GOD react in similar situations. In closing I am so blessed and thankful that GOD has put the people I work with and come in contact with at work in my life. May GOD bless you and I am looking forward to starting my new
Please lift up the staff at Northline we were face with a crisis yesterday with one of patients. The service that we provider to the community is ultimately to change the life of father, sons, mother, daughter and so forth. The selfless service that Northline provide to our patient was remarkable each member of our team display Humanic in action. Please cover our staff in prayer as we cope with the situation.
I would describe my own personal faith to be Christian- Catholic, the same as my parent’s faith. I grew up being catholic. I was baptized, did my first communion and even did my confirmation. I believe in one God; but I also believe in God as a Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. I believe in Angels, Saints, and the old and new testament. I believe in Mary, God’s mother, and I also believe in all of Jesus’s apostles.
Colorado Christian University Admission Essay In the past there has been several events which have influenced me to create a path to God in one way or another. But the event that created the most effect ,was when my mother was in a serious accident causing to her to have a near death event. Growing up in my household was a difficult experience. Both my mother and my stepfather had some form of addiction. For my mother it was the use of alcohol with the occasional use of cocaine, and for my stepfather, he was an alcoholic with an anger problem. Throughout the years, my mother would have the occasional disappearing for days fiasco’s, in which contained her staying up for days due to the use of cocaine. When I reached the age of sixteen I decided
3. The phrase that is used at the end of each creative act that reflects God’s view of His creation is
Living in a strongly religious community, I was given many opportunities to provide service to fellow church members and also under privileged youth of the community. When I began high school I was given the opportunity to become a counselor during Vacation Bible School and
As I’ve been pondering my becoming project, I’ve come to relies that I’ve grown in ways that I never thought I needed to. At the beginning I was having a very hard time trying to figure out what Christ like attribute that I need to work on most. As I prayed and ponder and look at the all the Christ like attributes it stood out to was believing. I started to ask myself why, why do I need to need to believe more in Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. Well going thru this semester I have found out why. There is so many reason why we need to straighten a Christ like attribute.
I believed this is God's calling to me to join The Careline Team.The final confirmation was last Sunday when Gary Hone the Careline manager spoke and explained what the Careline is all about. It was been more than two years I have attending in One Community Church every Sunday. I'm looking for a work serving God aside from attending the church.I have heard The Careline Team before and their invitation to join.I said to myself this is what I want to do but I don't have a counselling background.I keep on thinking about this until finally Gary Hone give me an understanding about The Careline Team. It was just tonight after Gary Hone come to my place and interviewed me about my interest to join the team. I believe this is the right work for me
This week, I got to talk to Dr. Ballantine about what it means to be a pharmacist. He always worked in the hospital, so he has seen more doctors and nurses than meeting patients. Although he did not get to meet and counsel patients, he was becoming a role model among his co-workers. Everybody in the workplace knew Dr. Ballantine is a Christian, and they recognized that he is more calm compare to other people in the hospital. Dr. Ballantine told me that it doesn’t matter where you are, it is very important to open Holy Spirit to all. Just being there for people gave more opportunity to promote evangelism and the integration of faith into his workplace. In order to provide support and opportunities for service, and outreaching patients, I need
My journey began approximately twenty-four years ago when I began volunteering in the summers at the local nursing home and at summer camp as a camp counselor with children and adults with special needs. This was when I realized that I felt good when I helped others and that I cared about their well-being, health and happiness. At that time, I sensed that God was calling me to care for others and meet their needs but I was still unsure as to how I could accomplish the task.
The question is asked what does it mean to claim that God is triune and how does this bear upon human life? Merriam-Webster (2018) defines triune as three in one, or relating to the Trinity, the triune God consisting of three parts, members or aspects (Webster 2018). To claim that God is triune would mean that there is a knowledge as well as a belief in the Trinity of God and that God is the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. God is triune has a bearing on Human Life because God is Holy and He is the creator of the world and as humans he has a major effect on the come of each of our lives. But for the believer His ways becomes our ways, therefore it affects how we act, live, think, love, and how we treat others. As well as our character and the way in which we live our lives is affected for the better once we have come into the knowledge and acceptance of God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
time is right for me. I need to do what is best for my family, financially, but emotionally, too. If
These people were so genuine and cared immensely for my health; they wanted me to succeed and get better. Above all, they inspired me to become a better person, because of them I care more now about helping others. I want to make a difference in other’s lives much like how my physical therapists made a difference in mine. Although God gave me a battle I believed I would never overcome, because of the specialty clinic and all of the surgeons and physical therapists that took the time to work with me I overcame this battle. I aspire to make a difference in people’s lives; similarly, to how they all made a significant difference in mine.
I believe that when a person has found their wound; they have found their purpose. Who better than myself to say “I see you”- I’m healing not only them, but also myself. This goes for anyone pursuing a career in something that they once struggled with. For instance, many drug and alcohol counselors have overcome addiction in the past. If I were getting guidance from another person; I would want to get it from someone who’s been in my situation and has seen the light
Please pray for those we minister to in our residential programs and for the many who still need help.
The bible was written as an account of what many viewed that God had accomplished so his actions and words could be passed on for generations. Some believe it is a literary account and some believe it is a historical account. The word of God in the bible comes in many forms and is left up to interpretation by the reader. Some believe that the word of God should be the only word and should be strictly followed. Some believe that the words are meant as a guideline to help us through life. Whatever your belief is you can always seem to find the meaning behind your belief through the word of God in the Bible.