
Galen's Case Study

Satisfactory Essays

CCIB received a complaint via phone call from RP stating for the last 6 months Galen a non-verbal and Autism student hygiene has been declining. RP stated that occasionally Galen has been in class with a very strong body odor, very greasy hair, hands filthy and increasing bad acne on face, RP thinks that he is not being properly cared for. RP stated she also recently observed that Galen has been at school with cloths that does not fit him. RP gave an example of Galen’s shirts are too small (not covering his stomach), he has holes in his shoes, and his pants are too tight. RP stated that she has contacted Galen’s mom Bonnie (650) 520-9972 to get information and to tell her about what is going on with Galen. RP stated that Bonnie said that she

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