
Game Changer Letter

Decent Essays

Grace Hansen Ms. Cahill Period: 4 10/27/15 Game Changer Letter Dear Mom and Dad, When I blacked out that day on the softball field, I entered a different world. The world turned sports into school, so people were exercising all day long at school. It also made school into sports, so people competed in math competitions for fun. Max and Evangeline were the stars in this world and I was the “geek”. There was also no softball, which killed me at first, but I soon learned to adapt. This new world taught me many things about myself and my view on life. I use to think that softball was the most important thing in the world. I practiced non stop, went to many special trainers and played on high level teams. I barely paid attention to my brother Max or anything else. All that mattered was softball. My goal since I was a little girl was to go to the university of Arizona then win a gold medal in the Olympics. I had it on a piece of paper over my bed to remind me of it every night. When I was zapped into the …show more content…

I use to just think of him as an annoying pest that messed me up before my big softball games. He was nothing like me. I was lean and athletic while he was fat and not athletic at all. Max played video games all day and during my softball games too. I didn’t realize how he felt though. It took a different world for me to understand how lonely and neglected he felt. In the alternate world, I was put into his position and he was put into my position. I finally saw how it felt to be the “other kid”, the kid the parents thought was less important and a disappointment. In the alternate world, Max and I talked to each other and started to learn that family is very important. When we both went back to the real world, I promised to defend him and make sure my parents knew how he felt. It took a whole different world for me to see that Max is my brother and I should love

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