
Gang Violence-Personal Narrative

Satisfactory Essays

There had been a few events throughout my lifetime when I was little and had me feeling mentally most of the time since I was young. One of those that occurred when I was living in Stockton, Gang members would come up to me and try to convince me to join their gang and stuff I didn't really know that much of gang activity back then I mean i seen some gang getting in fights or doing drive by shooting down my street I didn't really like the violence. One time I got moved to this one School I didn't really like it to be honest I kept it real with some people that was cool with me all the rest I didn't like, there was a group of kids that was in a gang that me and my boys didn't like one time I went to the bathroom and all of them came in together and jumped me… That's when I started hanging out with my boys that gang bang because I knew they were going to be the only ones to get my back for me plus they were like family to me and one time we found them hanging out so me and my boys were ready to fight them so we did, It felt good getting them back for jumping me till my boys started coming up and started bring out weapons that's when I was like thinking I should stop hanging out with them because I can see myself later on going to jail for weapons charges, Drug possession, assault and battery.

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