
Gang Violence Research Paper

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In todh society gang violence is prominent typically expressed in the more “ghetto” regions of the united states such as urban cities like detroit or la.To first begin we must define a gang ,merriam webster defines a gang as” group: such as (1) : a group of persons working together (2) : a group of persons working to unlawful or antisocial ends; especially : a band of antisocial adolescents” . These gangs are specifically notorious for killing drugs and general violence. Theses gangs are formed for the reasons of respect seeking community or and power ,but can be solved by providing these adolescents with systems that help them better themselves and higher there location on the socioeconomic ladder. We might why a young adult or …show more content…

Meaning that theses people can sustain themselves much easier by way of drugs rather than working and in the short term in the sense of instant gratification drugs are far more rewarding than the corporate ladder.Drugs are a slow decent into pain if they are sold or used which is why we must remove them from our streets which could lead in a decrease in size for gangs all around the world given its heavy impact on these gangs. Although drug control may decrease the size of a gang sizably there is still other reasons gangs are joined and not to mention drugs can never be completely controlled and if it is gangs still have …show more content…

Instead show them stories of those who aren't privileged rising to a challenge and becoming successful in life with hard work and dedication.The issue that lies with the gang members seeking communities there is a program by the name G.R.E.A.T( 1 paragraph 8).They introduce and show young adults how to stay away from gangs and also provide them with a sense of community which is what most members crave . In the psychology today article involving poverty and broken homes many of these programs that are similar to G.R.E.A.T seem to have functioned in the past with alarming success.There can be solutions with the family as well by being there for your child and providing them with the community they desire. Much like c-roy said in the interview with Ms.Hinojosa when asked “so what would a dream family be like “(source 2 pg 149) he responded with “ like parents that understand what their kids are that have gone through it .Like a father that could say OK cool,stay out till this time”(source 2 pg 151) These adolescents just want to be understood by

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