
Gang Violence Speeches

Decent Essays

Working with other students, taking two weeks to finish, and creating a new and inventive topic that has no simple solution. For this group project we decided to present the topic of gang violence. We then talked about gang violence in a perspective that others may have not considered. The purpose of this speech was to have all the students involved and to get the information for each bullet completed and detailed. The target audience could be anyone that ranges to teenagers and adults who have considered joining a gang or others who are even being affected without knowing and to have more knowledge on the topics. What I did to prepare was create simple note cards that were abroad, but also helped me with the order to talk about things. I …show more content…

She talked about the community, the people, the police, and multiple things that tied with what everyone briefly talked about. I believe that Emily deserves a B. I think Emily deserves a B because she ended up doing what she was supposed to, but she also had no contribution when we made the essay, works cited, and did not finish up her part of the project until 11:30PM. Another group member was Nolan Bargy, he was in charge if stating the multiple perspectives. I believe Noland deserves a D or C. I know that grade is low, but he also had no contribution in the essay, works cited, and I also had to do research for him and gave him the site that had some information for what he could state and that ended up being the only cite he used. He also ignored the group chat and my individual messages when trying to contact him and put the visual aid in the presentation ten minutes before first hour ended. The last group member was Drew Wicklund, which had to state there were no simple solutions and then conclude with the conclusion. I believe he deserves an A because he researched multiple sites, helped with the essay, and helped with the works cited. He was a very independent group member and I could trust him getting his slides together. My group disagreed a lot which we then tried to come together and help one

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