
Garry Boulard Is Renowned Free-Lance Writer Who Specializes

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Garry Boulard is renowned free-lance writer who specializes in Louisiana politics, economics and social issues. His works have been published in the Chicago Tribune, the Los Angeles Times, and the New York Times. His most notable works aside from The Worst President: The Story of James Buchanan are Huey Long Invades New Orleans: The Siege of a City, 1034-36 which he published in 1998 and his 2006 biography on President Franklin Pierce, The Expatriation of Franklin Pierce: The Story of a President and the Civil War, garnered praise from historical experts across the nation and is listed by the Library of Congress Web Guide in their “Franklin Pierce: A Resources Guide.” While Boulard background is primarily in the history of Louisiana …show more content…

In support of his assertion that President Buchanan’s friendships were one-sided and ultimately led to his downfall, Garry Boulard quotes Associate Supreme Court Justice Robert Grier commenting on Buchanan’s presidency in its final days saying “He put his confidence and gave his power to his enemies and not to his friends and now he is enjoying the fruits of his mistakes,” (Nevins 360). The author drew this quotation from The Emergence of Lincoln, Volume II – Prologue to Civil War, 1859-1861 by Allan Nevins. This quotation is a primary source, regardless of being drawn from another historian’s book.
Garry Boulard also uses a letter from President Buchanan to Governor Pickens to continue to support his claim that the president’s friendships weakened his position on the secession of South Carolina and his other claim that Buchanan failed to declare his position on anything of importance. This weakened position would boost the confidence of the rest of the southern states in their right to secede from the Union as well. In this letter to Pickens, the author argues that Buchanan subtly conceded that South Carolina was an independent nation through his poorly worded attempt at discouraging Pickens from laying siege to Fort Sumter; in that, he failed to assert his power as the President of the United States and subsequently weakened the

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