
Gasland Film Analysis

Decent Essays

“Gasland,” is a film by Josh Fox about the dangers of hydraulic fracturing, also known as fracking. America’s natural gas supply is so plentiful, there are trillions of cubic feet of natural gas in the states, almost like an ocean of natural gas.
Concerns have been raised about the risks involved in fracking. It is environmental risky and poorly regulated. There are statements that there is more than a hundred thousand incidences of ground water pollution from just six states, that’s not even counting the other 44 states.
Oil and gas are exempt from the safe water act, clean air act, and other acts. The oil and gas companies have a lot of power. There is gas drilling in 34 states, more than 450,000 wells (google search says more than a million), each of these wells can be used up to 18 times. It uses an obnoxious amount of water and transportation to use these wells to extract the natural gas. …show more content…

The people living around the wells often seem to have a bad time with the wells. Their water turns colors, bubbles, fizzes, smells, and even become flammable. The workers wouldn’t drink the water, so why should the land owners or the animals around. Some of the animals were losing hair and weight. The water is so polluted, yet the companies just try to cover it all up. Looking out for the little guy isn’t happening anymore.
The waste water from the fracking was dumped into streams and fields. Only half of the chemical water that they put into the Earth ever comes back up, the rest is soaked up by the Earth. They use evaporation pits to try to get rid of some of the waste water, which is a horrible idea, it can cause chemical and acid rain and affect the ozone layer.
There are so many ways that they could actually make the process a bit safer, but the best way is just to find better energy sources. Fracking isn’t working and it’s unsafe, the effects that have already been done may never been able to be

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