
Gatsby's Fate In All Quiet On The Western Front

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In All Quiet on the Western Front, the hero is simply victim of their own fate which eventually leads to their death. Paul's fate was basically sealed after all of his classmates that he enrolled into the army with died on the front line. Paul was going through some very hard times, and after being in the war for some time, one could only assume it has taken a toll on him for the worst emotionally, and physically. When people enlist in the war, as much as they wouldn’t like to, they probably have the mentality that they could lose their life at any moment. This is why Paul was a victim of his own fate, because, there isn’t really much he could have done to give himself a better chance of surviving the war. In the Great Gatsby, the protagonist, which in this case is Gatsby, is a victim of his own flaws as he is head over heels in love with Daisy, and after all he does for Daisy, one must think to themselves, is Gatsby really the person he used to be? F. Scott Fitzgerald does a great job in showing how much Gatsby changes throughout the novel, and showing all that he does to try to win over Daisy’s heart. …show more content…

The beauty and splendor of Gatsby's parties masked the innate corruption within the heart of the Roaring Twenties. By Gatsby’s death, Fitzgerald shows the readers that the life of Jay Gatsby as he illustrates, is not the way one should live their life. Fitzgerald also uses Gatsby's death as a way to show the readers Gatsby’s consequence for living his life the way he did. Paul lived a much different life than Jay Gatsby. Paul would get up in the middle of the night every day, to go fight for his country. While Paul is going out on the front line and putting his life on the

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