
Gay Family Research Paper

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When we talk about “family,” we are not referring only to people related by genetics or by blood. Families can come in all forms of configurations, including adoptive or foster parents, grandparents, extended family, mentors, or one’s chosen family made up of close friends. Many youth have been rejected by their genetic and adoptive families and need support from other adults. Similarly, “parenting” can be done by a variety of adults in a child’s life, not just by legal parents or guardians (2 Timothy Krause). Young adult who are in the process of coming to a homosexual identity may undergo great mental anguish through worrying about telling their parents. They often hate the idea that they are lying, by omission, to their parents, but also …show more content…

In coming to you, they may simply be looking to understand what is going on for their child. Some will be worried about their child’s safety, or what their gender diverse child implies about their own parenting. Still others will be seeking ways to “fix this.” Is my kid normal? What does it mean that my son wants to wear dresses or play princess? What causes a child to “be this way,” and what are some of the paths moving forward if it continues? These and many more questions will most likely be raised. While the possible answers to these questions vary, one thing is certain: the medical provider’s ability to reassure parents that their child is okay is crucial. Further, explaining the importance of parental support, and its impact on the ultimate health outcome for their child is essential. Even as you acknowledge the difficulties they are experiencing, you must also impress upon them the need for their child to know they are loved. A critical part of this process, then, is to create an open space in which the family and child are supported to explore this issue. As a medical provider, this means establishing a safe arena for this exploration to occur, rather than simply telling the family or child what this all means. As a medical provider it is also important for you to call the attention of the child's parents to some of the disease and infections that their child can encounter in the nearest future. for example, Gay and lesbian young people are at an increased risk of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) because they are more likely to have had sexual intercourse, with more partners, and to have had nonconsensual intercourse (21-23 Resnick M) . Women who are not intravenous drug users and who have sex only with other women have the lowest risk for HIV and other STIs than any group of sexually active

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