
Gay Marriage Essay

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Gay Marriage
People should be able to marry whomever they want and they shouldn't have the fear to be judged and have the same rights of everybody else becasue they are people just like us. Gay marriage has affected the country in many ways. It was legalized just two years ago by the Supreme Court ruling it ( I chose this topic because people should do what they want and marry who they want so they have the same rights as everybody else. There was 14 states that did not allow gay marriage before it was legalized but when the supreme court legalized it, they're forced to let them marry whoever they want. Gay marriage has tried to become legalized since the 1970s and in 2015 the supreme court legalized gay marriage. By …show more content…

Outside the Supreme Court, the police allowed hundreds of people waving rainbow flags and holding signs to advance onto the court plaza as those present for the decision streamed down the steps. Although gay marriage is protected by the supreme court, it remains secure as long as Justice Anthony Kennedy remains in office but there were rumors that kennedy was planning on retiring.If Kennedy retires then the president would likely replace him with John Roberts and Roberts might recognize the malice inherent in same-sex marriage bans and strike them down.
As of 2017 South Africa is the only african country to recognize same sex marriage. So far, two dozen countries have enacted national laws allowing gays and lesbians to marry, mostly in Europe and the Americas. In Mexico marriages are recognized by all sub-national jurisdictions and by the federal government.Courts nationwide must now authorize marriages between people of the same-sex through injunctions, a process slower and more expensive than opposite-sex marriage ( There are various consequences if you try to practice same sex marriage in other countries, some allow it fully and some even have the death penalty for people whom try to have same sex marriage. While few societies have recognized same-sex unions as marriages, the historical and anthropological record reveals a large range of attitudes towards

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