
Gay Parents Should Be Allowed To Adopt Children

Decent Essays

There are five times as many LGBT parents willing to adopt than there are kids in foster care. All those couples adopting would mean that children without a secure home could be put in a stable household with loving parents. While some believe same sex couples adopting children gives the children an unstable home and the children will suffer mentally and socially, same sex couples should be able to adopt children because it allows children in the foster care system to find a home quicker and it encourages the next generation to have an open mind and accept people for who they are.
To start, same sex parents are more likely to encourage diversity in the next generation and challenge the children's’ openness to concepts seen as wrong or immoral by society. In the article Children of Lesbian and Gay Parents Are Not More Likely to Have Problems Abbie Goldberg, a psychologist, says, “It's because of the challenges they faced in their own lives. They're much more likely to be tolerant, to encourage, for example, their children to play with a wider range of toys—to encourage a girl to play with both dolls and trucks. Girls (of lesbian parents) are more likely to have higher career aspirations.” Children with the ability to be themselves in whatever way they want without feeling the prejudice of society in their own home are more likely to be open and accepting of others and their beliefs.Same sex couples adopting kids into this type of household would result in a society that

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