
Gay Segregation Research Paper

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Segregation has always been a problem in the United Stated one way or another. In the 1870’s blacks were being segregated for their race and now people are being segregated based on the sexual identity. That is, how a person thinks of themselves in terms of who they are sexually attracted to. Sexual Identity is often confused with Sexual Orientation; that is, the sex of the person one is attracted to. People’s sexual identity rights should be equal, equal between heterosexuals, homosexuals, intersex, and transgenders. The way in which intersex people are referred to has enough evidence of inequality itself. For example, they are three terms used to address them: Hermaphrodites, Intersex, and Disorder of sex development. Hermaphrodite was a term used by doctors that defined these people as “freaks”. Also, it humiliated patients and embarrassed parents. Intersex was an uncomfortable term for parents, since they believed it meant their child was being labeled as a third gender, neither male or female. Disorder of sex development implied to wrong idea, rather it …show more content…

However, they are starting to restrict players from participating based of the lack of gender verification. As a result, the International Olympic Committee are working on revising those policies on “gender verification”. There are a lot of situations where women are brought into question about their “real gender” because of their testosterone levels being too high. For instance, Caster Semenya’s gender was brought into question after beating her competitors in a race by a landslide. This caused Semenya to be deprived of being able to participate and resulted in humiliation. Another runner Santhi Soundarajan was stripped of her medal after failing a gender test. These examples show that Intersex people are being isolated and deprived of their rights by not being able to participate or being stripped of their rightfully earned

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