
Gears Of War 4 Review

Good Essays

Gears of War 4 review
Written by:Erick Ashe
Reviewed on Xbox One With a new studio taking the captain’s chair for one of the most acclaimed video game trilogies of all time, Gears of War 4 is the first of undoubtably many Gears of War titles to be released within the coming years. But while it markets itself as a supposed, new era for the Gears of War franchise, it doesn’t do enough of what it needed to do to earn that title. Though, it does manage to stay true to its roots while giving us neat additions to familiar modes and play styles. So what we are left with is a familiar yet satisfying entry in this long running series. The campaign is as bombastic and adrenaline fueled as we’ve all come to expect from a Gears game. …show more content…

The Buzzkill is a heavy duty buzzsaw launcher that can ricochet off walls, and insta kill anyone it comes into contact with. the Overkill provides a short ranged, double barrel shotgun-esque alternative to the traditional Gnasher. Each of these new weapons of mass destruction adds much more variety to the gameplay and allow players to dismember their enemies in new and interesting ways. One of the main aspects of the Gears of War series has been its graphical fidelity, especially when the original was released a full decade ago. Gears of War 4 is no exception. The environments are varied and breathtaking, ranging from a large, mostly abandoned estate, to a cramped ghost town. Facial animations and lip syncing are spot on, making every emotion feel more realistic than ever before. It also helps that the game maintains a steady sixty FPS the whole way through.
While the new antagonists feel a little too similar to the Locust in many ways, they do manage to find ways to differentiate themselves from their Locust predecessors, requiring new strategies to take them down. On the Deebee’s side, the Heavy can jump jet over cover and self destruct when they have taken enough damage. Guardians are flying enemies with a front shield who’s best flanked from multiple angles instead of attacked head on. On the Swarm’s side, the Pouncer fires deadly thorns from its tail, and will

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