
Gelato Cheese Company: Are They in Compliance with the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA)?

Decent Essays

Introduction The purpose of this assignment is to consider whether or not Gelato Cheese Company should make any changes in order to be in compliance with the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and the Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA). This paper will discuss the definition of Title VII, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, and its application in employment decisions. In order to be employed at Gelato Cheese Company for its cleaning crew, it is required that you have a high school diploma/ or GED equivalent and at the present moment, the company whole cleaning crew is under the age of 30 and white.
The case Gelato Cheese Company is a company that is a processor of cheese and it is sold throughout the United States, the …show more content…

The reason why the Civil Rights Act of 1964 applies is because it has 100 employees in its cheese processing plant, which is above the minimum that is required for the Act to apply. The Gelato Company is involved in discrimination due to the fact that they hired an entire white cleaning crew, ignoring the fact that 25% of the minority that lives in Heartland Corners has a high school diploma, therefore showing that Gelato’s employment practice is extremely discriminatory and base their hiring of employees strictly on the race of the individuals.
Age Discrimination in Employment Act “The Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA) prohibited employers from discriminating against individuals who were 40-65 years old. The Act pertains to employers who have 20 or more employees for 20 or more calendar weeks(either in the current or preceding calendar year); unions with 25 or more members; employment agencies; and federal, state, and local government subunits”(Mondy, Wayne 2010 pg.62,63). Gelato Cheese Company’s entire cleaning crew is under the age of 30 and that makes them not in compliance with the Age Discrimination in Employment Act law. There are some major changes that need to be made at this company in order for them to not have law suits filed against

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