
Gender Differences Of Gender Roles In The US

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Gender is more than what the word seems to be, it has a variety of meaning such as, the role of a female or a male in society which refers to gender role. Masculine, feminine, transgender, cross-dresser, and drag are types of genders in society. Many different cultures seek the word “gender” differently, it all depends on your identity. Identity defines who you are as a person, a male or female. But some individuals can be introduced to the world as one gender but can grow into a different identity such as transgender or transvestite.
Gender roles differentiate against males and females. This is because of their actions, usually a male is the one who is in control of a situation and are strong and tough. But as for women, they are sensitive, hardworking, and the care taker. Actions of these genders are usually determined because of society, society says men cannot cry and women should be the house wife, but in reality, it is not always this way and it can be turned around. This is usually how individuals can determine whether they are transgender, gay, lesbian, etc. because …show more content…

They are a third gender role which means that they are neither male nor female. They contain elements of both genders which can be similar but different in the United States. In the book “Gender Diversity” written by Serena Nanda, it states that the Hijra’s are within a basically binary, hierarchical, and patriarchal sex/gender system; male and female/male and woman are viewed as natural categories in complementary opposition (27). It also states that the binary construction incorporates and combines biological qualities such as sex and the cultural qualities which refers to gender. In Hinduism and Islam, women are known to be more voracious than men; woman must be restrained by the men. The Hijras are very supportive with gender change and they celebrate it as an art. Women are not intersexed into men, only men are intersexed as

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