
Gender Harassment And The Workplace

Decent Essays

Every work industry around the world has numerous discriminations afoot, but many studies have been conducted that highlight challenges faced specifically by women in the workplace. Women face many uphill battles to include differences in pay levels compared with male counterparts; the balance of full-time compared to part-time employment; and the occupational echelons at which women are typically employed. The Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC) reported that “women remain disadvantaged compared to men, as occupational segregation means they are concentrated in lower skilled and lower paid jobs with less access to vocational training and education” (Bimrose, 2004, p. 110). Sexual harassment represents one important instrument for maintaining occupational separation for women in the workplace. Nevertheless, two legislative Acts in the UK that victims can use to confront it are the Sex Discrimination Act (SDA) of 1975 and the Employment Rights Act (ERA) of 1996. Under the SDA, sexual harassment is illegal if it can be construed as sex discrimination and distinguishes between direct and indirect discrimination with sexual harassment identified as a form of direct discrimination. On the other hand, the ERA only applies when an individual has a minimum of 1 years’ service with an employer and has been dismissed, resigned or is considering leaving because of harassment (Bimrose, 2004, p. 110). Additionally, two codes of practice have been implemented to help prevent sexual

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