
Gender Identity And Children And Gender

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Gender Identity & Children and Gender

Gender Identity refers to how we feel and express our gender. From the time we are born, we are identified as being a male or a female. We learn gender identity from others and interaction helps produce it. A baby by the age of 1 knows if they are a boy or girl and by the age of 2 to 3 they form an opinion about the way they feel about their gender. Children take cues from their environment and the people around them to form gender identity. Anthony Schullo states that parents use gender to construct their children’s reality. They decorate children’s rooms gender specific or place them in clothes that identify them with a specific gender. For example, girls are placed in a princesses dress and boys are placed in patterns that represent cars or trucks. This shows to the child the things they should like and play with. From parents and family members girls are taught to obey and boys are taught to be strong and to be leaders. This expresses to children how they should behave and feel about their own gender identity. By the age of 3 to 4 (pre school age), children test their theories on gender through observation and imitation. They see their parents or other family members on the phone and they to will pick up a block, place it to their ear and talk in it or they will see their mum putting make up on in front of a mirror and pretend with their finger to put makeup on their face. From this early age, children observe and pick up on gender

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