
Gender Identity Literary Theory : A White Heron

Decent Essays

Discussion Board #3 - Using the Gender Identity Literary Theory.
"A White Heron".
This short story portrays the resistance that feminist concepts give way to. Our story having the main character as a nine-year-old little girl who embarks on a journey that yearns for the young girl to come from a state of innocence to a state of knowledge about the world around her. She becomes illuminated in her environment once her grandmother has brought her to live in the rural countryside. Knowledge and nature seem to be key reoccurring elements, signifying some of the elements that the feminist analytical approach targets as a unique discourse of feminine characteristic. The author being female, it can be argued that an underlying attempt is submerged …show more content…

To tie this together, with wealth and power, an insensitive male culture is able to exploit the harmony of the world he dominants, which is a significant point made in feminist movements. Sylvia and the young man take on an expedition into the woods to find the white heron. The young man hopes to seduce Sylvia to gain more knowledge of the prized white heron. When the seduction occurs, there are several poignant emotions that the author describes of the young girl, which directly leads the reader into the second perspective which is “her initiatory journey.” Young Sylvia is thrust into a yearning for womanhood, which is depicted in the story “the woman’s heart, asleep in the child. This part is important because of its portrayal of a masculine device at using the innocence of a young girl’s heart to obtain his needs.
The journey she must embark upon is more an upward that an outward one, a direction that emphasizes not only the limits of her environment but points to her affinity with the bird. We think of the journey to knowledge as more of a flight applying bird-like characteristics to Sylvia. “With her bare feet and fingers, that pinched and held like bird’s claws to the monstrous ladder” and “Sylvia felt as if she could go flying away among the clouds…truly it was a vast and awesome world!” Sylvia has recognized her own independence.
Ultimately the concluding choice that Sylvia makes coincides with

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