
Gender Inequality In The 1950s

Decent Essays

Question #1
A lot of gender inequality originates from the family. Typically, the roles of parenting have been gendered. Specifically, men typically do public sphere work, known as the breadwinners. On the Contrast, mothers tend to do more of the private sphere work, known as the housewives. This gendered styled household really started to institutionalize in the 1950’s and 1960’s. In a lot of homes, the father went to work while the mother stayed home. At the time, people painted the picture that being a housewife was any women’s dream. But in reality, “Many full-time mothers were troubled by the isolation of their daily lives, the repetitiveness of household tasks, and the invisibility of their accomplishments,” (Stoller 280). This breadwinner and housewife model has begun to become less prominent. Today only about 12 percent of American households consist of husband who financially supports a wife and children, while the mother stays home (Wade 248). Even though more women are entering the workforce, the household labor is still feminized causing a plethora of inequalities. After a day at work, most women are plagued with the second shift, which is the housework done after work. Even though there are much more women in the workforce than the 1950’s, women still do way more of the privatized work. In fact, per week, women spend 15 more hours of private work than men; this significantly disadvantages women (classroom notes). Furthermore, there are institutional policies

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