
Gender Inequality Essay

Decent Essays

Gender Inequality

From the beginning of time, women have worked just like their male counterparts.
Women throughout history have earned significantly less money than men. Where does this difference in earnings come from? Studying historical trends and modern data can help clarify where the disparity comes from.

This country was founded on the principals of religious freedom. Religion is a major part of people’s lives not only in this country but also around the world. The religious foundation of most Americans is that of Judeo-Christian. The Bible begins with the story of Adam and Eve. In Chapter One in the book of Genesis, it is stated that God created human beings, man and woman. The atmosphere changes dramatically in …show more content…

This is a role women would perform for centuries.

Agricultural Economy
Farming has been at the center of economic history for centuries. Men performed most of the physical labor of tilling fields and feeding the animals. Women performed tasks that were equally physically demanding. They grinded grain, carried buckets of water, and churned milk to make butter.

Industrial Economy
The Industrial Revolution of the 1700s and early 1800s brought about major changes in work for both men and women. No longer was the farm the center of production and family life. The factory became the workplace that people needed to commute to for employment. The isolation of farm life made moving to cities an appealing choice for many. At first family members worked as teams in the factory system. That would soon change.

The long hours and physical demands in the early factory system led to women being relegated to the household and domestic tasks. The physical demands of working in the factories were too much for many women. The stage was set for the standard stay-athome moms and hard-working dads. Being the sole wage earner in the family reinforced the man’s traditional position as head of the family. The separation of work and home left women with a uselessness when reflecting on productive work.

The social and technological changes of the 19th and 20th Centuries removed

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