
Gender Role Attitudes

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A gender role attitude is a belief that many people hold regarding the roles men and women should be portraying daily throughout society. Although these beliefs have been circulating within society for quite some time, it is evident that people in society today are beginning to oppose these beliefs, thus encouraging change amongst their peers. Within the textbook, as well as in lecture taught by Dr. Nicky Newton, we learned that there are three different forms of gender role attitudes. These include, Traditional, Egalitarian, and Transitional (Newton, 2017). Traditional is a gender role attitude that fits society’s expectations for how men and women should behave (Helgeson, 2017). More specifically, women should be the one’s doing the housework, meaning cooking, cleaning and taking care of the children, whereas on the contrary, the men were the breadwinners, however when they came home, did not have to worry about a thing. While in lecture, Dr. Newton had talked about this attitude in detail, however it was evident that although many student’s families still acted in this manner, the traditional general role attitude has decreased in homes significantly within the past few decades. Within many TV programs, we see the traditional role being played within the homes. For instance, a well-known show called “switched at birth,” represents this attitude. The dad in the show went out and worked all day, however the mom had to make sure the house was clean, the food was cooked, and

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