
Gender Role In Twelfth Night By William Shakespeare

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The plays show the difference in both characters as well as the similarities. Misperception is unbridled by several costumes needed to showcase social restrictions which are suspended. However, when identities are concealed, an incomparable freedom will then be tested by female actors to see their power in courtship. Shakespeare, in Twelfth Night complicated gender roles having been played by Viola, who plays both the roles of a male and female. This permitted Viola to truly test her female role boundaries in courtship. Throughout the scene, Viola is honest about her complex identity in lines like “I am not what I am” and “I have one heart, one bosom, and one truth” (Shakespeare). However, Aphra Behn, in The Rover differs the situation a bit. Behn, has Hellena as a female all the time, however her mask allows her to retain her femininity more insistently. Hellena owes a lot to Viola in Twelfth Night, who also goes after what she wants. Hellena, like Viola, dresses like a man at one point, and both plays are set in carnival time, when people could break free of traditional gender roles. Olivia plays a key role in the conflict of the main and sub-plots. She is involved in a love plot more than any other plot. Duke Orsino is very much in love with her, although he has not really seen or talked with her in regards of the matter he remains very much so in love with her. He makes several attempts to gain her love, but they barely worked. When Olivia went into mourning,

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