
Gender Roles Affecting Sports

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Kelsey Cauchon 10/22/17 Gender Essay Gender Roles Affecting Sports Throughout many years there has been a great change of gender roles of men and women in our society, and especially in the world of sports. Over the last couple years female athletes have really strived to gaining equal representation and media coverage as much as the male athletes do. Female athletes are also starting to participate in more male dominated sports such as, MMA, hockey and even golf. These few sports have been perceived as “manly sports” which usually makes women feel that they shouldn't participate because they're not masculine enough. Even though there are many female athletes who feel discouraged to playing “manly sports” there are also plenty of female athletes who are trying to show younger generations that it's okay to participate and compete in sports that aren't necessarily “feminine sports”. The way that gender roles have been affecting sports for a long time are through behaviors, stereotypes and the perception of male and female athletes. Male and females have different attitudes and behaviors especially when it comes to playing sports. The way that they handle those situations usually you will see a female hold themselves together better than a male in a stressful situation like a game for instance. It's the way we are, “There are two clusters of attributes are most commonly seen as mirror images of one another with masculinity usually characterized by dominance and aggression, and femininity by passivity and submission”(Devor 475). Many of these attributes are recognized through different activities and sports. When it comes to behavior and expressions a lot of people think that many expressions can come off as feminine. These are issues with gender behavior in society now a days where studies are finding out that the gender of the coach is determining how effective they are with their athletes. Meaning, a male coaching a women's basketball team or a female coaching a men's hockey team, men tend to be harder on athletes than women are. According the the article Becoming members of society, “The achievement of high status in one's social group requires competitive and aggressive behavior from those who wish to

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