
Gender Roles Impact Our Day

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Gender roles impact our day-to-day interactions more than we realize. From the way we look for a potential spouse to the way we view our church leaders, our preconceived ideas of what maleness or femaleness actually means impacts us greatly. This paper seeks to examine Christian womanhood, particularly in the context of family and work, with the goal of defending traditional female roles from the onslaught of modern feminism using Biblical analysis and historical context. Stephen B. Clark in his book Man and Woman in Christ, states, “Every known society, past or present, assigns to the men a primary responsibility for the government of the larger groupings within the society, and assigns to the women a primary responsibility for the daily maintenance of the household unit and the care of the younger children.” Historically, the male and female roles have differed slightly, but generally remained constant to their culture. This begs the question, is society assigning these roles or are they ingrained within us as something God designed? Jolyn Dahlvig’s study on women leaders in Christian higher education revealed some interesting conclusions on the work-life balance of Christian women. She said, speaking of a similar study, “Through a qualitative study of 62 prominent leaders in the United States, China, and Hong Kong, Cheung and Halpern identified three commonalities among the women who integrated their lives: (a) multiple life roles that positively enhanced one another;

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