
Gender Roles In Kate Chopin's A Pair Of Silk Stockings

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In the story, A Pair of Silk Stockings by Kate Chopin, the stereotypical role of females is shown. Mrs. Sommers is mother as told in the beginning of the story. Typically, we think of women as born to be mothers and have nurturing qualities. When she is given a great deal of money, she uses it for her kids and is constantly thinking about them rather than herself. In the third paragraph, Mrs. Sommers is carefully dividing the money amongst her children and puts their needs first. Mothers are known for doing this for their children and she is no exception. When Mrs. Sommers is shopping for her stockings, a small treat for herself, we see even deeper into her selfless mind. “She could not realize that they belonged to her and were a part of herself.” This quote shows that even after she …show more content…

Outside of taking care of her children, Mrs. Sommers shows her kind heart and appreciation for the man’s service in the restaurant by tipping him generously- or what seemed to be, by the way her bowed as she left the table.
Society sometimes sees women as obsessed with appearance and only what is on the outside. This story may lead you to believe that that is true, but can also change your mind about that thought. “Her stockings and boots and well fitting gloves had worked marvels in her bearing—had given her a feeling of assurance, a sense of belonging to the well-dress multitude.” In this part of the story we see how Mrs. Sommers abundance of funds gave her a sense of confidence because she was able to purchase nicer belongings for herself. Although in some situations this can be seen in a negative way, this is something we should recognize as positive. When “Money can’t buy happiness” is said, I definitely agree with that, but there is no denying that personal belongings increase confidence and happiness to an extent. I believe Mrs. Sommers would put this stereotypical role/mindset to rest because we can all relate to her to our own mothers, or at least I can. In

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