
Gender Roles In Pearl S. Buck's The Good Earth

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Society has come a long way in accepting gender equality, however there are still many that have a mindset similar to those in the past. They are stuck in that past and believe that it there is a superior gender. In Pearl S. Buck’s historical fiction novel, The Good Earth, a family is reliant upon the mother who, over time, has been taken for granted. The mother, Olan, is expected to do all the work and act as a slave to her family. Buck uses Olan and other female figures to emphasize how easily the female gender is oppressed and discriminated. Daughters were seen as incompetent and unskilled. Therefore, the families feel as though they are unlucky to bear a daughter so they feel inclined to unburden themselves. They do so by selling their …show more content…

Therefore, as soon as they came of age, most females were sent into slavery or prostitution because families were ashamed to bear a laborer. Olan has held the title of a slave most her life as a result of being sold by her parents and even after marriage, she still behaves as one. As Wang Lung and Olan talk about selling their own daughter, she reveals that her parents exchanged her for their benefit by explaining that she “was sold to a great house so that [her] parents could return home” (Buck 117). She confesses that she was traded into The House of Hwang at a young age so that her parents are able to go back to their home. This was her first time she acknowledges the reason why she was sold. Since her parents choose to return home instead of caring for their daughter, it shows how neglected and unwanted she was. They are willing to give up their own child out of greed and for the fact that she was just a girl. Regardless of their social status, all females are a slave to someone who has a higher position to them, presumably a male. This leads to the oppression of their free will and independence. Ever since they were children, leading on to their adult lives, the females work for the males and they are restrained to believe that they are inferior in comparison to men. However, not only do the women lose freedom due to gender discrimination, but they can also

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