
Gender Roles In The Secret Life Of Bees

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Mothers and fathers play different roles in society to provide a balance of qualities as they nurture their children to become well-mannered and independent adults. Although both parents play a prominent role in shaping their daughter’s character and personalities, mothers predominantly provide her with protection, emotional support, and a sense of reliance because they share feminine qualities. The novel, The Secret Life of Bees, illustrates the difficulties that young girl faces from growing up without a mother. Fourteen-year-old Lily Owens is often abused by her ignorant father, whom she calls T. Ray, and blamed for killing her mother. Lily’s closest motherly figure during this time is Rosaleen, her family housekeeper. Lily’s lack of motherly …show more content…

When Lily and Rosaleen start to live with the Boatwright family, Lily quickly realizes how compassionate they are. Lily idolizes their positivity and support, which makes them clear representations of motherly figures for her. When August sends Lily to the bee yard for the first time, she gives Lily great advice, to give the bees love. After all, she says, “every little thing wants to be loved” (92). This signifies not only that bees want appreciation, but so do humans. This also implies that if someone endures a long time without support, they become hard and sting. Ever since Lily was four years old, she has seen her father agitated and forceful towards her. T. Ray’s actions prove that he is an ill-equipped father for a teenager. By the end of the novel, Lily validates that living with the Boatwrights not only gave her one caring authority figure but several amazing mothers. Therefore, Lily needs positive mother figures to feel more worthy after she struggles for almost a decade. Evidently, a mother-figure would be affectionate to Lily no matter what she does or

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