
Secret Life Of Bees Analysis

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Bond Over Blood: The Secret Life of Bees Analysis
As written by William F. Longgood, “Honeybees depend not only on physical contact with the colony but also require its social companionship and support. Isolate a honeybee from her sisters and she will soon die.” These symbolic words quoted in Sue Monk Kidd’s The Secret Life of Bees are a hint to the overall purpose of the novel although just letters in italics above chapter numbers. In Kidd’s narrative, Lily Owens struggles to deal with her mother’s death and her abusive father. After accelerating drama, Lily and her “stand-in mother”, Rosaleen, run away and end up with August, May, and June Boatwright, beekeepers. From there, August acts as a mother to Lily and shows her compassion and wisdom. The most important element of the theme, family is by bond, not blood, is proven through the symbolism of bees.
The importance of bees as a symbol is shown through essential mothers and everybody’s part to play. To begin, “I [August] want to get the hive requeened before one of the workers starts laying. If we get laying workers, we’ve got ourselves a mess,” (Kidd 287). This signifies the need for a mother. Without the queen fertilizing eggs, the bees die off; without a mother, people do not flourish. Lily demonstrated this well by running away to find a connection to her mother and fill the gap in her heart. She had little direction besides the wisps of memory from her mother and abuse from her father. Then, when the Boatwrights came

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