
Gender Roles in Dracula

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Gender Roles in Dracula
In a time period where females had narrow gender roles, Bram Stoker wrote his novel, Dracula. The Victorian culture often suppressed women and their value. Traditional Victorian women were thought of to be pure and virginal. Bram Stoker revealed another side of women that was not often seen. These qualities were like that of the emerging new feministic culture called the “New Woman”. The concept of gender roles in the 1890’s was very conflicted; Dracula challenged traditional gender roles.
Typical gender roles in the Victorian era were that of a woman being kind, caring, nurturing and motherly. Bram Stoker used characters in his novel to express typical gender roles of the time period, along with the bolder …show more content…

Not only was Mina smart for a woman, but Dr. Seward also said that even a man would be gifted to have such a brain as hers (Stoker 238). Having a job as secretary for the “Children of Light” was another characteristic of the “New Woman” culture. Secretarial jobs were typically acquired by men. This definitely challenged the typical female gender roles of the time. “New Women” were females that stood up for their individual worth and wanted to do more than what was expected of

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