Gender reassignment. The grand old question posted in the early 2000’s, should it be permitted? There’s really no harm coming to anyone outside of the operation, aside from pride. The benefits of this operation also seem to outweigh the damage it may cause to any close relatives. Based off of recent history more destruction comes to those that aren’t permitted to this procedure. (1) Statistics show that there were at least 102 acts of violence set against transgender and 15 cases of homicide against LGBT. These cases are caused because of unnecessary hate crimes towards people that aren’t normally like others. Hate crimes are the worse type of crimes, because the people that it is meant for are only trying to fit in. These individuals would do anything in their power to be like …show more content…
People who have gone through a successful sex change have been able to do influence the mind of many, in a positive way. (3) Studies show that amount of suicides decrease after an individual is able to have the sex change. The happiness of those individuals also seemed to increase as well. A Swedish study set over the course of six years showed 3 out of 175 patients of the sex change operation died of suicidal cause. Average rate of deaths in the transgender society are more than that in a twenty-four hour cycle and increases every year anyone in the transgender society go unaccepted. (4) There have even been accounts of trans genders having a noticeable impact of society. Some of the most influential trans genders characters in today's society are: Laverne Cox, Fallon Fox, Janet Mock, Amanda Simpson, Jazz Jennings, and many more. Laverne Cox might be known originally as her amazing role as Sophia Burset in Orange is the New Black. She was able to win an Emmy through hardship and torment by many people even though she'd had a sex
Everyone is given a gender the moment they are born. At birth they are either one of two genders: masculine or feminine. This gender everyone is assigned affects many of our day to day actions and our looks. However some people may evolve differently as they grow up and may not fit the rigid boundaries set for the sex they were assigned at birth. In recent years there has been a boom in a third considered gender: the transgender population. However with the boom comes the argument of to what extent should transgender people be protected by the government. Throughout the existence of transgender people, the rights of transgenders have been
Sexuality and gender identity issues have had a long history in the fields of mental health and public policy. There has been much debate surrounding the inclusion of issues related to gender and sexual identity in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual since its initial stages of development (Drescher, 2010). Debates in this field of interest have been fragmented between several stakeholders (Ehrbar, 2010). This fragmentation has created complications in the process of developing United States policies that are inclusive of individuals with gender identities that do not match the gender to which they were assigned at birth. Specifically, policies surrounding gender reassignment surgeries have been difficult to develop and
A REPORT OF THE NATIONAL TRANSGENDER DISCRIMINATION SURVEY” which is a comprehensive survey taken by over 7,500 respondents a part of the LGBT community to discuss their experiences of discrimination that will further encourage the implementation of better protection towards gender variants. Authors concluded the:
Within this modern time new ideas and concepts within our society regarding rights between gender, are being brought into light. Firstly, transgender news has been picked up quite frequently. People are feeling more free to be themselves as a different gender and/or are taking the initiative to make the hormonal or surgical change. Though the freedom is relieving, many others find the need to make comments on others lives such as the Wall Street Journal, saying “we don’t allow children to vote or get tattoos, yet in the name of progressive thinking we are allowing them to choose serious bio-medical interventions” (Source A). This may have a true sentiment, yet the truth is as it stands, it is no one else’s place to make that decision. The
Hermaphrodite children should not have gender-assignment surgery as an infant but should rather have the choice to do so as an adult.
As stated in the video, transgenders that partake in surgery may experience lack of child bearing possibilities, a higher chance of sexually transmitted infections and potentially but not proven higher chances of cancers in their sexual organs. On the psychological side, things like anxiety and depression with an odd higher chance of autism exist.
To truly understand why there is even a fight over sex-reassignment surgery, one must first comprehend what the surgery is and why it is an option. Sex-reassignment surgery is the final step in a three-part treatment for gender dysphoria. Gender Dysphoria, previously known as Gender Identity Disorder (GID), is considered a mental disorder described as a severe disconnect between one’s biological sex and gender identity. Generally, mental disorders are treated with psychotherapy or medications but, when it comes to trans inmates, the genitals serve as a mental block that constantly reminds the trans person of their gender dysphoria; which brings on the need for SRS. In “Medical Transgressions in America’s Prisons: Defending Transgender Prisoners’ Access to Transition-Related Care”, Esinam Agbemenu states that the treatment for gender dysphoria comes in three parts. The first step is for transgender patients to participate in psychotherapy or psychiatric counseling, which allows the patient to express their distress and permit the medical professional to properly diagnose and create a proper treatment plan. In step two, the trans person must openly live as their identified gender
Trans sexual people do not consider the sex they were born with to the the right one. So in order to be happy and free they change the opposite sex. This transition can be quite impactful as people start to discriminate and taking away their rights. A perfect example is the case of Re Kevin (Validity of Marriage of Transsexual) [2001] FamCa 1074. In this case Kevin was a transsexual man who wanted to get married but the attorney general refused to legally grant him a marriage certificate. Even though he could own a passport and other legal document, he still was not able to get legally married. After numerous trials, Kevin was able to obtain his marriage certificate. This case is a perfect example on how we humans have started to evolve, and have learned about accepting people for who they are. Even though transsexual people are not fully accepted, inevitably they all
Although trans people have experienced gender issues for centuries, their issues have only now become a topic of main stream media. With the lack of research and open communication in regards to this group, there has been many assumptions made in terms of health care for them. Gender reassignment has been linked back up to the 18th century when a surgeon named Dr. Thomas Brand made an eight-page case study regarding the surgical reassignment of a seven-year-old’s genitalia from female to male (Warren, 2014). With his research being one of the first of its kind, his work was met with much resistance from his colleagues. They simply were not ready to try to understand and connect with trans people and did not want to hear what Dr. Brand had
I have always been, and will always be an advocate for the LGBTQ+ community, as I belong in it myself. However, after watching Gender Revolution A Journey with Katie Couric, my admiration for the individuals who endure everyday struggles like the ones in the documentary has tripled. One's sex is not a choice, you can be born male, female or the complicated intersex which was discussed a lot in the movie. The surgeries recommended and performed by doctors on intersex children is a violation of their right. Although it was cited that the amount of intersex individuals who receive the treatment, are changed to female, and come out happy with the choice.
Transgendered people in America have made many great strides since the 1990s. They have encountered violence, lack of health care, and the loss of homes, jobs, family and friends. There have been many phases of the struggle of being transgendered in America over the years. The current phase we must be in now is equal rights. There are many variations of discrimination against the transgendered community. In our society we simply do not like what we do not understand. It is easier to discriminate than to try and understand. We are all created different and we should appreciate our differences. The change must come by addressing the views of the public. There is much justification in the unequal rights of transgendered peoples. The Human
Transgendered men and women face more discrimination today than gays and lesbians. Individuals in the transgender community have been murdered at alarming rates as each year passes, trans-women and men are four times more likely to commit or attempt suicide than individuals who are heterosexual, Awareness is beginning to become harder to spread nationwide as many state legislatures are calling for transgendered men and women to enter public restrooms by their designated gender.
Try to imagine feeling like your whole life is wrong. How would you feel? In the movie “Trans,” transgender people revealed the hardship that they experience day to day. Most transgender people feel like they were put in the wrong body, and they have known about it since they were very young. They may have trouble finding something to identify with in fear of being an outcast. I think transgender people are some of the bravest people in the world. They are able to transform into the person they know they are. It disgusts me how many people hate on them. Just because someone is transgendered does not mean there is something wrong with them. These people are tortured for showing their true identity. They are labeled as “weird” or “wrong,” when they are actually the same as you and me. I think it is unethical to ask someone to change who they are, so why can you ask someone who is transgender to pretend to feel comfortable in their body if they know they are supposed to be the opposite gender? Transgendered people should not be shunned by society for their bravery to speak up and create a new life for themselves. It is not your business or my own. It is only the person who wants to change. As a society, we should embrace them because change is vulnerable. We should be proud of them and we should not hate one them. Everyone truly deserves to feel accepted. The movie “The Mask You Live In” has shown me that we should not ever discriminate against people just because they may be different. Men in particular get a lot of discrimination in this movie. We all define masculinity differently. I think of superman or prince charming when I think of a man. However, other people see other versions of being a man. We should not put so much pressure on boys to “become a man” because that will create stress on their development. Why is it only ok for men to show their emotions when they are drinking alcohol? They should be
Sex and gender seems to be the primary focus in trying to determine the identity of transgender. Before any form of cohesion can take place to discuss transgender, the biological aspect must first be noted. Origin identification for each individual is biologically identified as male or female, and at times intersex. "Our gender includes a complex mix of beliefs, behaviors, and characteristics. How do you act, talk, and behave like a woman or man? Are you feminine or masculine, both, or neither? These are questions that help us get to the core of our gender and gender identity ("Gender and Gender Identity at a Glance," 2014)". According to society, an individual's sex identity is normally assigned at birth, thus, as a transgender, one will identify him/her self as an expression, i.e., masculine, feminine, male or female, opposite of his/her biological identity. " Some people, for example, may have been born with a penis,
The problem with transgender rights is that they are not treated as basic human rights. The main cause of this problem is that some people look at it as "not in the norm" or "out of the ordinary" and as a result, transgender people are either out casted, bullied, beaten, killed or denied certain rights. A human male wanting to transition into a human female and vice versa should not make them less than exactly what they are, a human-being. A possible solution would be for people to take the time to research and educate or interact with more transgender people and learn something about their decision instead of going into the problem blind with the assumption that all transgender people are not normal.