
Gender, Social, Spiritual, And Physical Transformation Essay

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During the 12th century Reformation, the number of anchorites increased dramatically. Most of these anchorites’ gender was not recorded, showing the inapplicability of gender. According to theorist Judith Butler, “…gender can be regarded as a private and public behavioural performance.” Butler also recognizes that gender is a performance of “acts, gestures, and desire [which] produce the effect of a internal core or substance… that saddest, but never reveal, the organizing principle of identity as a cause.” Due to a shift in gender roles, gender characteristics were abandoned through social, spiritual, and physical transformation. Gender was becoming a twofold term, it was initiating flexibility. During the Middle Ages, women had the ability to socially transcend their gender and the superficial weaknesses of their bodies through devotion, chasteness, and asceticism.
During the Middle Ages, women were seen as cold and passive, while men were seen as warm. The warmth of a male was thought to allow his sex organs to extend outside of his body, while the coldness of women caused the opposite reaction. The female reproductive system was seen as a man’s sex organ turned inside out, often referred to as female testicles. For Peter Abelard, this made his castration a perplexing event due to not having a marker of his gender. Although Heloise gave in to her carnal desires, she was also spiritual and later devout. Relating to surpassing gender roles, Heloise rejected the

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