
Gender Stereotypes

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The idea of gender representations is considered a highly contentious issue. The belief that gender norms represent these societal norms, are dictated and considered acceptable based on the perceived sex and binary given at birth. The Lego Friends’ advertisement is a text, represented through television, and its purpose is to increase and advertise the selling of the Lego Friends’ product: a new Lego set designed specifically for girls. The ad perpetuates a world that promotes stereotypical appearances and traditional occupations for women.The Youtube video produced by the Youtube channel ‘feministfrequency’, called Lego Friends-Lego & Gender, shows Anita Sarkeesian representing her views on gender by analysing multiple Lego ads, with one being the Lego Friends’ ad. She strongly believes that gender should not be binary and conforms to the idea that she believes girls shouldn’t have to follow gender norms. Throughout her video, it is shown that she strongly appeals to the idea of equality by comparing the contrast between the gender norms and the Lego Friends’ ad.

The Lego Friends’ advertisement represents gender as binary and reinforces the concept of gender norms, therefore persuading the audience that this particular idea of societal norms is acceptable. This particular advertisement is only 25 seconds long, but perpetuates many stereotypical ideas within this short amount of time, portraying the various occupations that each figurine is working in. As it begins, it

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