
Essay on Gender Stereotypes in T.V. Show How I Met Your Mother

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My chosen scene is from a popular T.V. show called How I Met Your Mother. This show goes with gender stereotypes and goes against gender stereotypes. The show is about a group of friends, Lily and Marshall being an engaged/married couple, Barney the single “player”, Robin a Canadian tomboy, and Ted the main character, who is a hopeless romantic trying to find true love in New York City. Ted, over the past couple episodes meets a girl and she becomes his girlfriend. In the meantime, he’s spending all of his time with her, Lily and Marshall have a romantic weekend planned leaving Barney and Robin to hang out together, they decide to have a “Bro” date. Robin and Barney do typical guy things, such as; smoking cigars, playing laser tag, and …show more content…

Do elementary school boys identified as sissies show a preference for social activities, conformity, a tendency to nurture or seek approval, as compared with other boys? Which sex do they prefer to play with, and who prefers them in the classroom? Do both peers and teachers like them? (Hemmer and Kleiber 1981) In the first study, they went to two different schools in the Midwest. They used 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th grade students, their teachers (including music, gym, etc.), and their parents. They divided the students between male and female and gave them a survey. In this survey, it had the names of their peers and had statements, such as; this student is supportive, or this student is a sissy/tomboy, or who makes fun of others. The students had to write the names down that they thought exhibited certain characteristics. The teachers were asked to comment on which of their students tended to be more cooperative, have good tempers, demanded attention, etc. The parents were also survey on their children’s attitudes, class participation, and physical activities. (Hemmer and Kleiber 1981) After the identification of tomboys and sissies, the other characteristics that students linked their names to were looked at. The tomboys in 3rd and 4th grade were seen as bullies and would make fun of other students who didn’t fit in with the “social norm”. They didn’t have many friends and weren’t

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