Since the beginning of creation, differences have always existed for variety and beauty. Even nature is largely heterogeneous. It is designed so that each leaf, rock, animal, and blade of grass is unique. Perhaps the most contested dichotomy in nature is that between man and woman. In a utopia, each individual would contribute his or her unique gift for running the society in a collaborative and equitable way. In times of problems, each shared the load of the other, to facilitate in the smooth running of society. But ignorance created boundaries and divided humanity between regions, races, religions, beliefs, outer appearances, and gave birth to discriminate between things that appeared disparate to the physical and mental eye. From them stemmed …show more content…
Though the number of working women rose considerably in the last couple of years, but women are still much underpaid then their male counterparts. The United Nations recently published that for every dollar earned by men, women earned 70-90 cents globally. Statistics Canada also found that women workers in Canada earn an average of 66.7 cents for every dollar a man earns (Amber). Over the past couple of years, the gap has been documented to be increasing. In 2009, women use to earn 74.4 cents for every dollar a man earned, which reduced to 72-73.6 cents in 2011 (Evans). The American Association of University Women released a study that showed even when men and women attend the same kind of college, pick the same major and accept the same kind of job, on average, the woman earns 82 cents to every dollar that a man earns (Coleman). There is not even a single country where the average wages of women are more than men. This was proven by a study on the ratio of female to male earnings in European and non-European countries, conducted by the United Nation Statistics Division. It was found that the reason for these gender inequalities were associated with traditions and stereotypes which influence the education, professions and career paths women and men choose, and “often lead to part-time work and career breaks, mainly for women” (“The World’s”). …show more content…
History has proven that even in the early rural communities, along with the traditional role, women would do work outside with men on farms. At the end of the 19th century, in Canada, when factories started replacing the family as the main productive unit, women comprised of thirteen percent of the labor force (“Women in”). During WWI women replaced many men who had to join the army. After the WWII, during the great depression, women were hired to do men’s jobs (“Women in”). Even today women continue to contribute economically through their domestic and professional work. In fact, it has been found that a homemaker’s work alone is worth approximately 100,000 dollars in the job market (Moran). Their area of expertise varies from being a teacher, finance manager, cleaner, gardener, chef, driver, to personal child care provider (Moran). Women have proven their capability and shown their multi skills, but they are still the victim of gender wage
Although gender pay gap has shrunk, it still exist. In 1981 data showed that women earned ¢77 for every dollar that men made. Although the number is much different, as women made ¢87 every hour for each dollar men made per hour, there is still a ¢13 difference. In 2014 Canada was the 7th highest out of 34 countries with the gender wage gap in the OECD stats. In 2015 the Canadian labour congress did research which showed that senior women are more likely to live in poverty than men. Earning less over a lifetime you’re not as likely retire in security, and dignity. The law that I propose is based on gender pay inequality.Regardless of gender, an employe within the same field with level of education, and experience
Today, women in Canada earn about 72% of men’s wages for similar work: full-time, full year. Many doubters of the wage gap argue that women earn less than men mainly because they work fewer hours, as a group, then men do. However, the
With her strong stance on gender inequalities in Canada, Strumm has an excellent ability to communicate her ideologies as to what should be improved in our society. In her abstract paragraph, she outlines her main argument as well as her suggestion for improving gender equalities in Canada. This immediately indicates that the purpose of the paper is to point out the specific cases of inequality regarding “pay inequity, precarious employment options, income splitting, social infrastructures… and lastly, violence against women.” (99, Strumm, 2015) By indicating this at the beginning, Strumm allows for the reader to be made aware of the initial point that she will prove using the various sub points scattered throughout the article. In my opinion,
Although western society has notably undertaken many global issues surrounding human rights and liberal fairness, provided as a key leader, their initiatives to hold equal representation and participation of racial minorities and women in their own government offices regularly fall below their conceptual universal standards of ‘liberal fairness’. Currently, women and visible minorities, such as the Black community, are underrepresented in both federal and provincial politics, leaving the state’s political actions strictly in the hands of one group. Not only do women and racial minorities, as a result of this, hold less influence on political actions and policies established by the provincial and federal governments, but they become disproportionately
Through the Contemporary Women’s Issues in Canada course, various topics related to gender inequality were discussed. Due to a long history, of sexism and misogyny in many aspects of Canadian society, outdated behaviours and thoughts have prevailed in many aspects of society. Three main topics that are central to achieving gender equality are gendered violence, gender roles and socialization, and child care.
Women remain at an economic disadvantage compared to men due to the fact that some occupations still pay women less than their male counterparts. This unequal pay reinforces the thinking that it is okay for men to make more than women just because of their gender. This is an obstacle within the workplace which prevents a woman from advancing her career and allows for higher positions to continue consisting almost entirely of men. Present day in the labour market, “Canadian women earn 23% less than men regardless of their age, education or occupation” (Struman, 2015). Even though women have been quite successful in seeking employment and many possess a decent education, women continue to face a difference in pay because of their gender. In order to be seen as equals women need to be earning the same amount as their male coworkers because they possess the necessary skills needed to complete the job. Differences in pay should be based on an individual’s qualifications and job experience not their gender. The difference in pay prevents women from achieving success and reinforces the point that women remain at an economic disadvantage. Gender based pay is problematic and “[t]he Canadian gender pay gap is the fifth largest among the 34 Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development countries… [and] the pay gap is particularly pronounced for single mothers, racialized women, First Nations women, and women with disabilities” (Struman, 2015). Gender
Even with women’s increasing workplace successes over the passing years, the gender wage gap continues on. Scholars and researchers descriptions of the pay differences are explained at vaguely two different levels. There are individual differences in workplace results that are sometimes credited to gender specific preferences. At the college level, institutional practices may hinder women, or certain laws in place can balance out the results of these practices. We’re making an effort to rise above this separation by examining the wage gap at both levels; our study plans to contribute to filling this gap.
Is it fair that the average woman makes twenty three percent less of what men make? Many statistics have shown that women make seventy seven cents less for every dollar men makes. The idea that women shouldn’t be compensated the same amount as men is idiotic and should be amended. I think many women who are well educated just like men and have the same qualifications are still falling behind. Everyone should be able to be respected and paid equally for what they work. There are three main arguments for me taking my positions against the idea that the gender wag gap doesn’t exist. My first argument is, many women who are in the same profession as men get paid different salary because of stereotypical
There are nearly as many women as there are men working, yet, as it was discovered in 2011, on average, a woman will only earn seventy-seven cents for every dollar that a man earns. Women owned businesses make up for over a
Throughout history, marriage has been considered a necessity of life; it was the beginning of a new life, and a gateway to kids. Many religions frown upon sex and childbirth outside of marriage, like Islam and Christianity, whose fundamental beliefs is that it is a sin to participate in sexual intercourse and procreation; In modern society people must compromise to satisfy social norms. In Canada, marital rates are continuously declining while divorce rates are skyrocketing. Therefore, the arrangement of cohabitation within a partnership is a better option due to the changing definitions of relationships. With cohabitation, there is a drive for women to be more independent from their partners and a certain freedom, which results from the
Considerable changes have taken place over the past two decades (WGEA, 2017c). Women have become more prominent within the workforce (WGEA, 2017c). Participation of women in the workplace has risen from 45% to 60% over the last 40 years (WGEA, 2017c, ABS, 2017a). Women’s education attainment has risen, showing a 28% increase since 1996 (ABS, 2017b; WGEA, 2017c). Despite this, earnings are not equal between male and female undergraduates (WGEA, 2017b). One suggestion is that women are choosing lower paid professions, contributing to an unequal distribution among part-time and full-time work (WGEA, 2017b).
Almost half the workforce is composed of women. They are the equal, if not main, source of income in four out of ten families. In fact, women earn more college and graduate degrees than men. But yet, on average, men still earn considerably more money than women. In 2013, female full-time workers made only 78 cents for every dollar earned by men, which is a gender wage gap of 22 percent. Men earn more money in virtually every single occupation for which there is sufficient earnings data for both men and women , than women, on average.
In a recent study done by OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development), Canada was ranked 7th amongst a total of 34 countries in regards to highest wage gap (Canadian Women’s Foundation, 2014). Again, some progress has been made in reference to female and male wage difference, but there are still some unspoken occurrences of inequality. It is possible to assume that female-dominated jobs aren’t viewed as of equal importance than men-dominated jobs, this is because society still considers the majority of female occupations ‘girly’ and more domesticated (Canadian Women’s Foundation, 2014). Whereas less females are being appointed to jobs of higher pay with more labour work, such as construction, or of importance, like a lawyer. Women between 25-54 made up 22% of Canada’s minimum wage jobs, men within the same age group doubled this statistic (Canadian Women’s Foundation, 2014). This is proof that less women are being hired to jobs they are eligible to
Women in the past have been placed at home to care for the children, but times have changed. The education of women has grown incredibly since the 1970’s. Females who enter into the workforce have gone through the exact same training as men, but yet they are still paid less. In Kevin Miller’s essay, “The Simple Truth about the Gender
Conventionally, females played a very insignificant role in the paid work force of a society as many times they were expected to be home taking care of their family. Their roles at home can often include grocery shopping, meeting all the needs of her children and husband. As time moved on, our society became more accepted of sharing housework between the couples, but even so, the traditionally more feminine housework such as cooking, caring for sick children, and shopping for the entire family are mostly done by the females of the house. It is argued in a research journal Work and Occupations (Witkowski & Leicht, 1995) that in an average North American family, females take on roughly three-quarters of the housework. Even though we are in a democratic society, parenting roles in the household are assigned based on gender rather than in a democratic fashion (Winslow-Bowe, 2009). Because of the many responsibilities and obligations that are associated with the female gender, their career paths are eventually affected for the worse. According to Statistics Canada (2001), for every dollar a man earns, a single woman earns 93 cents and a married woman earns 69 cents. These statistics