
Genders And Gender Roles

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Gender roles have really changed throughout time, whether it’s women or men. For women, their roles have drastically changed, and in this play one can see the progress that women have made on affirming their roles either as housewives or just a woman in general. The man’s role may be the main role in this play. The man, in this case, runs the family and is the provider for his family. The woman is the caretaker, does the cooking, and the cleaning. Each one of these roles have an impact in this play. Both of these roles have developed throughout the play, and also throughout time.
The women’s role developed throughout the play. Rose being the strong woman she is, developed later in the play, and she stepped up when she was needed. Rose …show more content…

Throughout the play, it seems as if Troy sees Rose as his property. Despite all this, Rose stays true to herself. Once Troy dies, one can see Rose’s strength and character come out. Because she is very grounded, she becomes the person all the men around her go to, when they’re in trouble or just need encouragement. Rose becomes the strength and hero of the play. Although she has always been very strong, at the end of the play is when one can see her really emerge.
Troy, on the other hand, throughout the play overshadows Rose. He is the man of the house, he provides for his family, and runs his household. Troy, because of his childhood and his father being the way he was, develops bad character traits. He never had anything as a child growing up, which might be the cause of him always wanting ownership of things. The reader can also can’t help but see, how Troy sees Rose as his property. He talks down to her sometimes and never takes her opinion into consideration. When it comes to Corey, he’s always hard on him and doesn’t care how his son feels towards him. Troy’s failure in the Negro League, also has major impact on the reason he has a strong character. Troy has his own way of thinking, and does whatever he thinks is right. Although people round him tell him otherwise, he does what he thinks and nothing else.
Troy’s way of thinking is very limited. In the beginning, he wants to become a driver. He tells Bono

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