
General Zaroff In The Most Dangerous Game By Richard Connell

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"Life is for the strong, to be lived by the strong, and if needs to be taken by the strong. The weak of the world were put here to give the strong pleasure." (Connell 5). That is the philosophy of General Zaroff, a passionate hunter, who presents himself as a civilized aristocrat, but he is a truly villainous man. General Zaroff is the antagonist of the short story "The Most Dangerous Game" written by Richard Connell. With his immoral, barbarous, and diabolical personality General Zaroff becomes the perfect villain to oppose Sanger Rainsford in "The Most Dangerous Game."

General Zaroff has lost his morality. The author shows this here," Then, taking a second helping of crepes suzette, the general explainers ."The hunting was not good last …show more content…

General Zaroff states ,"He is a Cossack, said the general, and his smile showed red lips and pointed teeth, so am I." (Connell 3).Cossacks were military officers in World War One, and they were ruthless. They killed just for the kill. With this background, the general has already killed many men in the war. Now he doesn't care about killing anyone, and just kills for pure pleasure. The general has gone as far as smashing passing ships so that the crew is forced to swim to his island. He explains his methods here," They indicate a channel, he said where there's none; giant rocks with razor edges crouch like sea monster with wide open jaws. They crush a ship as easily as I crush this nut. He dropped a walnut on the hardwood floor and brought his heel grinding down on it." (Connell 5). The general doesn't care or feel for his victims. He will just do anything to fulfill his …show more content…

The general is very deliberate with every thing he does. For example the general states," I treat these guest with every consideration. They get plenty of good food and exercise. They get in splendid physical condition. You shall see for yourself tomorrow" (Connell 5). In this piece of text the general is referring to his training center in the cellar. This detail shows that he really has planned everything from the moment anyone even comes near his island to the moment he pulls the trigger. The general keeps them in good physical conditions with purpose. He wants the best possible challenge for himself. He has also planned for refusal to play the game, " Suppose he refuses to be hunted? Oh said the general," I give him his option. He need not play the game if he doesn't wish to. If he does not wish to hunt, I turn him over to Ivan. Ivan once had the honor of serving as an official knouter to the Great White Czar, and he has his own ideas of the Sport"(Connell 5). Here it is show that he has planned so that they have a choice , but the best choice for survival would be to hunt with the general. This way the general gets the most amount of quarries. Also by doing this he filters out the people who have already given up and would be boring for him to hunt.with the general being on an island in the middle of nowhere, and having Ivan to protect him from any revolts. It looks like he has everything exactly

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