
General Zaroff's Insane In The Most Dangerous Game By Richard Connell

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Why is Zaroff so weird? Maybe because he is an exceptional tracker but yet he is, creepy and insane. In the short story The Most Dangerous Game by, Richard Connell, Rainsford washed up on an island called ship-trap island. Rainsford is a hunter.Rainsford found a house and it was General Zaroff’s house. General Zaroff is a creepy looking man and he is one of the older type of people.Yet, General Zaroff welcomed Rainsford in and then fed him, clothed him, and gave him somewhere to sleep. Rainsford then found out that Zaroff hunts humans. Then Rainsford wanted to leave. Zaroff was not going to let that happen because he wanted to hunt Rainsford. This leads to the reasons why Zaroff is an exceptional tracker but yet insane and, creepy. Zaroff really is a creepy man. How could he be that creepy? The author comes right out and describes Zaroff’s creepy appearance. The text states, “ He was a tall man past middle age, for his hair was vivid white; but his thick …show more content…

He is insane because he hunts humans or I guess people. Instead of animals like a normal person. The author states it n the text on page nine, “ It’s a game you see, I suggest to one of them that we go hunting. I give him a supply of food and an excellent hunting knife. I give him three hours’ start. I am to follow armed only with a pistol of the smallest caliber and range. If my quarry eludes me for three whole days, he wins the game. If I find him, he loses.” This proves that he is insane because he calls it a game. He thinks hunting humans is a game. He also has never lost he always wins. Also, the author puts something in there that is horrifying is, “ And now, said the general, I want to show you my new collection of heads. Will you come with me to the library.” This show that Zaroff wanted Rainsford to come and look at Zaroff’s human head collection. It’s really insane that he would keep those. Let alone want someone to see them or to hang them up on a

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