
Geneseo: A Social Intertextual Analysis

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2. I grew up in a small town with a small school. My town is very conservative and most of my classmates were of European descent. This doesn’t leave much space to be different. I enjoyed growing up in my town; it seems rural and idyllic, but looking back now I’m not entirely sure which “group” I really belonged in. There weren’t really any “preppy” groups at my school; if anyone could have fit into the “popular” category it would have been the academically successful jocks. Most people in my town came from upper or lower middle class families so class privilege didn’t seem to be a huge marker of groups (Bucholtz). Possibly the biggest social dived was between the academically successful students and the underperforming students. …show more content…

I am involved on campus and as an RA I meet many different types of people. One pattern that I have perceived is the male competition to be the most masculine. I have lived in freshmen buildings every year I have been at Geneseo and most of the male students come with ideas of what college means to them and reinvent themselves. It seems to into a contest of who can be the most “cool.” It definitely includes stories of sexual exploits, having multiple girlfriends, or bragging about not talking to their girlfriends in order to get their girlfriends to be more sexually adventurous are just some of the few things I have heard this semester. The stories and comments are almost always extremely derogatory towards the woman who is seen merely as an object. I’m not sure how many of the stories are true or what the male student’s true intentions are. Maybe the guys just want to fit in and be part of the “cool crowd” and make up stories that fit the college stereotype because they want to fit in. Maybe they just want to be seen as more masculine and dominating to be part of a higher social status than they were in high school

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