
Genesis 32: 22-32, 'Jacob Wrestles At Peniel'

Decent Essays

Genesis 32:22-32 The passage of Genesis 32:22-32 is titled, “Jacob Wrestles at Peniel” and describes a time when Jacob, later known as Israel, “wrestles” with God. This passage is fairly difficult to grasp although it is quite often referenced. The first part of the story, Jacob sends his family away with everything that he had, leaving him alone. Jacob then wrestles with a man and when the man realized he was not going to win, he struck Jacob’s hip socket. Jacob demanded to be blessed by this man, who changed Jacob’s name to Israel. Jacob then named the place Peniel and stated, “For I have seen God face to face, and yet my life is preserved.” The passage concludes with a statement about the Israelites and how they do not eat the thigh muscle on the hip socket because of this incident. …show more content…

It is strange to picture a literal wrestling match between Jacob and God; therefore it seems more likely that Jacob was facing an internal struggle that felt as if he was fighting God’s mightiness. Jacob’s struggle with God probably stemmed from his past and how he treated others. Jacob wanted a new start and fighting with God may have been his way of dealing with those struggles. As a child, I was taught that Jacob was both great and deceitful, and his brother Esau was out to kill him for a period of time. Jacob’s wrestle with God helped him to change as a person, and to make amends with his brother. I believe that is what this passage is about, the will to change and the power to do so through God. I believe that Jacob did have an encounter with God, but probably not in a way in which he saw God’s face in human

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