
Genesis One: The First Two Chapters In Genesis 1

Decent Essays

In Genesis, we see the foundation laid out for the entire Bible, beginning with a bang in Genesis 1:1 (In the beginning God created the heavens in the earth). We see this God interwoven throughout the rest of the entire Bible in the lives of man, the people with whom He loves unconditionally. Focusing on the first 11 chapters of this inspired book in the Bible, we see countless lessons and instruction from the supreme, yet intimate God. The first couple chapters in Genesis give us a peek into humanity in its very origins; in being able to view God’s fingerprint in the natural world, in humanity as we find our identity, in the relationships that we exhibit every day, and in civilization as a whole.
Going back to Genesis 1:1, the Bible teaches …show more content…

God created us, in His image, so that we could fellowship with Him, but he also created a woman, so that man would have lifetime companionship. You see, Gods plans are always for the eternal, and not the temporal that we are so used to. He created man for woman, and woman for man, to live in a relationship as one flesh, (Gen 2:24), much like He desires to be in a deep marriage-like relationship with us. In the end, it starts with God desire for a relationship with us, Him creating us, giving us a means of relationship with each other, and then fighting for that relationship both with us and each other as time goes on. The book The Institute of Marriage goes as far as to state that “That companionship achieves its realization, according to v. 24, the union of husband and wife as ‘one flesh’. Male and female taken separately are incomplete; each naturally tends toward the other”. What a beautiful picture of what we are promised in Christ realized in the first few chapters of the Holy Bible. From this relationship, in terms of the text, we then see the birth of civilizations …show more content…

Before this tower, everyone spoke the same language and were of one accord. In true humanity, though, we decided to see how close we could get to heaven, and in our arrogance were scattered. Both the before and after scene of the tower of babel offer a look into humanity in terms of civilizations. Before the tower, you observe a people who were repopulating the earth, split into three areas from Noah’s three sons. These were the people who were redeemed, thanks to the faithfulness of their father Noah. The initial split gives us a peek into civilizations, though. These three sets of couples went out to repopulate the earth, and started civilizations of their own, together. They eventually came together to built this great tower, to the heavens, and God had to intervene yet again. This time, He scattered the people, and confused their tongues, creating languages. From this point forward, you’ll notice distinct civilizations forming, from those who spoke the same languages. What a beautiful picture of the sovereignty of our Father in heaven, who loved us enough to spare us from ourselves, and eventually come and redeem us completely with the sacrifice of the one true

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