
Genetic Engineering Vs Religion

Decent Essays

Religion/Faith in Reproductive Technologies
Although it is possible to convince the governments on the benefits that cloning and genetic engineering can provide, convincing those who believe heavily in their religion and faith is nearly impossible. For example, the Roman Catholic Church opposes reproductive cloning because “it severs reproduction from sexuality” as well many others believing that utilizing these technologies interferes with nature (Evans, 2002). In addition, a plethora of people believe that cloning and fabricating humans to our desire is against God’s wishes as Man would be playing God (Evans, 2002). To convince the public to accept these technologies, the many millions that believe in a greater being must be swayed towards …show more content…

A possible application for cloning could be to produce identical organs and tissues to transplant into needy recipients as today, receiving a new organ is extremely difficult and there is always the chance that the body will reject it (Hilmert, 2002). Furthermore, using these embryonic stem cells can also provide a cure for Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease providing society with an immense benefit (Evan, 2002).
These are the main reasons for why cloning is being sought after, with the other reason being for reproductive purposes in which couples that are unable to have a baby can finally experience parenthood using cloning (Ayala, 2015). With due time the potential uses for cloning should grow substantially as technology advances at this exponential rate. Genetic engineering can have a variety of applications such as for humans, food, and animals. For humans, genetic engineering can be used to prevent or even cure an entire disease, especially diseases that are caused by a genetic defect like downs syndrome or cancer. Genetic engineering may also be used in reproduction with babies being born with three “genetic blueprints” instead of two. Animals can be genetically modified to fit the needs of the world with examples being cows producing more milk, or more meat on animals for food (Genetic Engineering …show more content…

Instead of cloning entire humans and genetically modifying them to our desires, we can use the technology to cure diseases and even help couples that are unable to reproduce. As the reader of this article, you have the ability in deciding the future of mankind and by learning this information on cloning and genetic engineering you will hopefully make an informed decision on the use and research of cloning and genetically modifying humans in the years to

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